12 basic things you should know about the civil engineering

About Civil Engineering, Did you know these about?

12 basic things you should know about the civil engineering
12 basic things you should know about the civil engineering.

1. The weight of the Reinforcement Steel is calculated with the help of the formula, D2/162. Where D is the diameter of the reinforcement.

2. For the cube test two types of specimens either cubes of 15cm X 15cm X 15cm or 10cm X 10cm x 10cm depending upon the size of aggregate are used. For most of the works cubical molds of size, 15cm x 15cm x 15cm are commonly used.

3. The concrete cubes are filled into the 3 layers

4. The slump cone is filled into the 4 layers

5. The minimum % of the steel used in the column is 0.08% of the gross area

6. The maximum % of the steel used in the column is 6.00% of the gross area

7. The minimum % of the steel used in the beam is 1.00% of the gross area

8. The maximum % of the steel used in the beam is 2.00% of the gross area

9. The minimum % of the steel used in the slab is 0.70% of the gross area

10. The maximum % of the steel used in the slab is 1.00% of the gross area

11. The minimum thickness of the shear wall is 150mm and the maximum thickness of the shear wall is 400mm

12. Slope of the staircase is 25 to 40 degree.

Kumar Bhanushali


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