Estimating the Construction cost for 1000 sqft Plinth Area

Estimating the Construction cost for 1000 sqft Plinth Area For the Year 2020-2021

Estimating the Construction cost for 1000 sqft Plinth Area

Hello, friends today we are going to see how to estimate the construction cost for a 1000 Sqft plinth area for the year 2020-2021.

Before going to proceed towards the process for the estimation, we are going to know the thumb rules which will be helpful for us to identify the construction cost.

Construction cost per unit as per the classification of the construction type

Table - 1
classification of the construction type

Thumb Rule - % wise role of various construction components on the total costing of the construction

Table - 2
Thumb Rule for various components

Estimating the Construction cost for 1000 sqft Plinth Area

We are going to estimate the construction cost for Class-B Type Construction with minimum rates as shown in Table 1

(Estimating with Minimum Const. Rates per Unit | Class B Type)

Table - 3
Estimating with Minimum Const. Rates per Unit | Class B Type

Now we have seen that as per Table - 1, for Class B Type Construction and for 1000 Sqft area we required around Rs.11,00,000.00 for construction.

Moving further towards the estimation, we will now take the reference of Table - 2, to find out the component-wise cost to construct the Class B Type Construction for 1000 Sqft area, 

Estimating the cost of various const. components

We have created a new table, i.e. Table - 4 taking and using the reference of Table - 2,

Table - 4


In this way, we came to know that for the construction of Class-B Type House in the year 2020-2021, taking minimum rates for the construction we will require
around Rs.11,00,000/-



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